
by (주)엔포스

Maps & Navigation


1. Applied to POS call control system.2. When getting off the taxi, make a call with a smartphone instead of the call terminal (call when getting off)3. Execute call terminal function with smartphone alone[Access Rights Information]• Required access rights-Location: The right to collect the users location even when the app is running in the background after running the app, collecting the current location in order to receive calls from nearby passengers (Always allow it in Android 11 or later versions).※ This app collects location information in the background and saves the users driving record.-Phone: The authority required to call the phone number and call passengers and call center at the time of initial authentication-Storage space: The right to store and view my dispatch history, statistics, and announcements-Bluetooth: permission required to link the meter by Bluetooth• Optional access rights* You can use the app even if you do not agree with the optional access right.* The pos taxi app is an app developed with version 6.0 or lower. When installing the app, please check the permission information before installing the app.